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--> Announcement of Emergency Plan for Sudden Environmental Incidents of Shandong Yijia Agrochemical Co. - ayx爱游戏农化


Announcement of Emergency Plan for Sudden Environmental Incidents of Shandong Yijia Agrochemical Co.

2024-04-23 11:28

Announcement of Emergency Plan for Sudden Environmental Incidents of Shandong Yijia Agrochemical Co., Ltd. Beihai Branch

The emergency response plan for sudden environmental incidents of Shandong Yijia Agrochemical Co., Ltd. Beihai Branch was received and filed on April 29, 2022, with complete documents. According to the emergency plan requirements, our unit will complete the emergency drill for the year 2022 in July. The drill plan for the year 2023 has been formulated and is scheduled to take place in June. This is hereby announced!

Shandong Yijia Agrochemical Co., Ltd. Beihai Branch

March 17, 2023
