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--> During the Laba Festival, the scenery here is particularly beautiful when it comes to hot pot - ayx爱游戏农化


During the Laba Festival, the scenery here is particularly beautiful when it comes to hot pot

2024-04-25 14:14

During the Laba Festival, the scenery here is particularly beautiful when it comes to hot pot

As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, the Laba Festival not only has rich cultural connotations and historical significance, but also is an important moment for family reunion and praying for peace and happiness. On this special festival, Shuangxing Company held a lively "hot pot feast", and Vice President Wang Jianchang and Director Li Haipeng of the Group Personnel Cultural Center were also invited to attend.


"After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food," Wang Jianchang, Vice President of the Group, toasted everyone and said, "My mood is happy to be with everyone tonight. Seeing everyone gathered together and working together, my heart is passionate. As long as everyone thinks and works together, we will definitely get better and better in 2024.".


Mr. Wang's speech instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the employees and successfully pushed the atmosphere of the event to its peak. The games such as "I'll play and guess" played during the event also received unanimous praise from everyone.

The Laba Festival symbolizes gratitude and blessings, while hotpot symbolizes passion and prosperity. Here, we also send the blessings of our employees: wishing our Double Star Company "unique scenery here" in 2024, and wishing our Yijia Group "colorful flowers and endless scenery" in 2024.
