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The central government allocated 143.4 billion yuan in three agricultural subsidies阿

The central government allocated 143.4 billion yuan in three agricultural subsidies阿 On April 7, according to the news on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Finance and the...

Efficient production management of formulation processing --How to save energy and increase efficien

Efficient production management of formulation processing--How to save energy and increase efficiency in pesticide formulation production In 2014, the "First Expert Diagnosis and Improvement Activi...

The Ministry of Agriculture carries out pilot projects to promote the integration of unified prevent

The Ministry of Agriculture carries out pilot projects to promote the integration of unified prevention and control and green prevention and controlIn order to accelerate the transformation of agri...

Development and Reform Commission: Quickly study and formulate standards for phasing out outdated pr

Development and Reform Commission: Quickly study and formulate standards for phasing out outdated production capacity Editor's note: The arrival of the era of low oil prices has made the petrochemi...