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About the brand
Relying on agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, creating value, giving back to society, and achieving self-improvement
Brand is an important resource for Yijia Agrochemical and the lifeblood of enterprise development Yijia brand is positioned towards technology, environmental protection, and internationalization The Yijia brand is established and supported by products, quality, and services The Yijia brand logo embodies the infinite, communicative, and extended connotations of modern technology and humanistic spirit Yijia aims to become the leading brand of agricultural and chemical products in China
About the brand
Centered around the image of agricultural technicians and with farmland as the background, showcasing a thriving rural field scene; The character portrayal is a character born and raised in rural areas, who returns to the countryside after graduating from university and takes the responsibility of promoting agriculture through technology; The image highlights the characteristics of the industry and the corporate spirit of Yijia people who wholeheartedly serve rural areas; A more vivid analogy of Yijia Enterprise is "a farmer's doctor in the field!"