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--> Respond to every request and take immediate action ——The combat command center is on standby at any - ayx爱游戏农化


Respond to every request and take immediate action ——The combat command center is on standby at any

2024-04-25 15:32

Respond to every request and take immediate action

——The combat command center is on standby at any time


In order to quickly solve various problems faced by frontline sales personnel, meet the needs of customers/users to the greatest extent, create value for customers/users to the greatest extent, facilitate orders and transactions, and continuously build a "quick reaction team battle" culture of "unified tactics, quick response, and team operation", firmly building the core competitiveness of the organization.

On February 21, 2024, the Operations Center Operations Command was operating in the conference room of the ancient city factory area. Marketing officers quickly entered the conference room to communicate and resolve any issues.


The Operations Command Headquarters is a sales and operation mechanism that adheres to the principle of "orders are the first orders!" and the strategy of "responding to demands and taking immediate action". It aims to quickly solve problems, seize the market, expand the saturation attack radius, ensure victory in various tactical campaigns, and achieve annual sales targets.


Through the "24hour online" strategy of the combat command center, the radius of feedback and interaction of combat operations information is shortened, forming a decentralized "point-to-point communication" mechanism, and seamlessly integrating into the "zero command center" to ensure the efficiency of response and decision-making, actively winning and winning in uncertain markets.


We firmly believe that with the joint efforts of all the people of Yijia, we will achieve a successful start, braving the wind and waves, overcoming obstacles, and winning the final victory.
